Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
My Chosen Son, Your President, Donald Trump, Has Taken His Rightful and Chosen Seat to Lead Your Nation out of Despair and Darkness
Message from Our Savior, Jesus Christ to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA on January 24, 2025

(Jesus came to speak with Anna Marie while she was praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Jesus: My little one, may I speak with you?
Anna Marie: Yes my holy Lord. May I ask are You Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: It is I, little one, your Divine Savior, Jesus of Divine Mercy.
Anna Marie: Yes sweet Merciful Lord. May I ask You please? Will You bow down and adore God Your Almighty Eternal Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes My dear one. I your Divine Savior will now and will always bow down and adore My holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my Holy Lord, for Your sinful daughter is now listening. (Anna Marie prayed: Beloved Holy Spirit, I surrender my hearing into Your Divine Love.)
Jesus: Little one, I know you have endured a few hard months with your Mother’s passing into eternal life, but be in peace. She is with Me now in Eternal Paradise, with the help of your Gregorian Masses that were offered for Her.
Anna Marie: Thank You dear Jesus, for giving me that confirmation. She always loved You and Your Holy Mother with all her heart.
Jesus: Yes She has.
Jesus: My little one, even though My chosen son, your President, Donald Trump, has taken his right ful and chosen seat to lead your nation out of despair and darkness , his job will be the most challenging he has ever endured. Those nations and people’s who serve the enemy of God have great designs to incapacitate him so he is not able to complete his mission for My Merciful Father. For this reason, I have called you this day to ask all My Apostles of the Green Scapular around the world to pray daily for him and his Administration. Without all My children praying for My beloved son Donald, his family, friends and Administration, the arrows of death and destruction can over throw his successful mission of bringing peace and grace upon your nation once more. Your nation has been speeding towards a deep and destructive country. My son was chosen by My Holy Father to reverse the diabolical effects of the last Administration who took orders from the enemy of God.
Jesus: My Heavenly Fathers’ grace and protection is upon Donald. He will not be harmed because of the Army of Angles My Father has sent to watch over his every step and breath. Yet, that will not stop those wicked souls from doing their best to harm him and those whom he loves. So we need daily prayers for Our chosen servant, Donald.
Jesus: Please little one, ask My beloved children across the world to pray for him as he is in his position of President. His policies in the global stage will bring holiness, peace and mercy into the nations and its citizens too.
Anna Marie: Yes my Holy Lord, I will let them know.
Jesus: My dear one, I know you have many concerns for My children. Hand these matters into My crucified and bloodied hands and I will help you sort out what is needed to be said and when. Only prayer will be the order for that concern.
Anna Marie: Yes my Divine God.
Jesus: Your Chaplet of Divine Mercy continues to grow with adding names and items to be protected.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.
Jesus: I am glad you have added Vice President Vance and prayers of protection of your Electrical Grid. The Grid has been a great target for the enemy of God, but your prayers will continue to protect it. I ask all of My beloved children to add that intention into their daily prayers too.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.
Jesus: I will all of My dear children to pray for protection of America, whose Matriarch is My holy Immaculate Mother, known as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She has and will continue to protect the Americas, but evil has stolen Her children and have placed them into servitude as sex-slaves. I request an immediate Novena to My Holy Mother so that She can lead your President to find, discover and rescue all of these precious innocent children from the hands of their enslavers and that justice is accomplished by the gravest means in your Court Systems.
Anna Marie: Yes my Dearest Lord. Dear Jesus, what should the Novena be?
Jesus: I will lead you to find it from your Raccolta.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, I will obey.
Anna Marie: My Lord, can You please send rain over California to put out all the fires? Your children in California have suffered so greatly and have lost everything they own.
Jesus: Yes little one, the rains are coming and will relinquish the sufferings of so many. The fires were a plot from wicked persons who set these fires in many different locations to destroy this fertile ground and harm its citizens. When your state is being governed by wicked, prideful and greedy leaders; this is what can happen to the innocent citizens of that State. Pray children for forgiveness for the sins of your City and State Government Leaders who have refused to serve My Father and I, and completing their vows of Oath of Service. Then when the re-elections take place, search for the most dedicated Christian and God-fearing servant from those choices. Then will you have peace in your communities again.
Jesus: Pray also for the wicked productions that are being created in California’s film industry. They now embrace evil and serve the enemy of God, spreading their vial and wicked hatred throughout the country and into other Nations; allowing souls to fall into the pit of damnation.
Jesus: My children, if you have participated in watching, reading, playing any form of media where witchcraft or fantasy are propagated, you must repent for your participation in such wickedness in order to be forgiven by My Heavenly Father. His holy First Commandment has never changed and any human who violates His First Commandment will in fact, condemn themselves to hell where they will suffer for all eternity, Christian or not. You cannot serve two masters (St. Matthew 6:24 & St. Luke 16:13). If you are a Catholic, you must attend Sacramental Confession. I am a Merciful Savior, but you are responsible to serve only God, our Eternal Merciful Lord.
Jesus: Now My beloved one, can you please see that this message is given out to my beloved children this day?
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, I will do all you have commanded. Praise you dear Sweet Jesus for coming. Thank you for all your warnings and teachings. We all love you my Lord. All your beloved Apostles around the world, love you always.
Jesus: I do them too, dear one. Your Loving and Merciful Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
The Mother’s Novena as Jesus has asked us to recite daily.
Raccolta #391
Queen of the most holy Rosary, help of Christians, refuge of the human race, victorious in all the battles of God, we prostrate ourselves in supplication before thy throne, in sure hope of obtaining mercy and of receiving grace and timely aid in our present calamities, not through any merits of our own on which we do not rely, but only through the immense goodness of thy Mother’s Heart. In thee and in thy Immaculate Heart, at this grave hour of human history, do we put our trust; to thee we consecrate ourselves, not only with all of Holy Church, which is the mystical body of thy Son Jesus, and which is suffering in so many of her members, being subjected to manifold tribulations and persecutions, but also with the whole world, torn by discords, agitated with hatred, the victim of its own iniquities.
Be thou moved by the sight of such material and moral degradation, such sorrows, such anguish, so many tormented souls in danger of eternal loss! Do thou, O mother of mercy, obtain for us from God a Christ-like reconciliation of the nations, as well as those graces which can convert the souls of men in an instant, those graces which prepare the way and make certain the long desired coming of peace on earth. O Queen of peace, pray for us, and grant peace unto the world in the truth, the justice, and the charity of Christ. Above all, give us peace in our hearts, so that the kingdom of God may spread its borders in the tranquility of order. Accord thy protection to unbelievers and to all those who lie within the shadow of death; cause the Sun of Truth to rise upon them; may they be enabled to join with us in repeating before the Saviour of the world: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.”
Give peace to the nations that are separated from us by error or discord, and in a special manner to those peoples who profess a singular devotion toward thee; bring them back to Christ’s one fold, under the one true Shepherd. Obtain full freedom for the holy Church of God; defend her from her enemies; check the ever-increasing torrent of immorality; arouse in the faithful a love of purity, a practical Christian life, and an apostolic zeal, so that the multitude of those who serve God may increase in merit and in number.
Finally, even as the Church and all mankind were once consecrated to the Heart of thy Son Jesus, because He was for all those who put their hope in Him, an inexhaustible source of victory and salvation, so in like manner do we consecrate ourselves forever to Thee also and to Thy Immaculate Heart, O Mother of us and Queen of the world; may Thy love and patronage hasten the day when the kingdom of God shall be victorious and all the nations, at peace with God and with one another, shall call thee blessed and intone with Thee, from the rising of the sun to its going down, the everlasting “Magnificat” of glory, of love, of gratitude to the Heart of Jesus, in which alone we can find truth, life and peace. (Written by: St. Pope Pius XII)
An Indulgence of 3 years (when recited). A Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions, if this act of consecration is devoutly repeated every day for a month (Pius XII, Rescript from the Secretariate of State, Nov. 17, 1942, document exhibited, Nov. 19, 1942).
We declare that ALL evil OPPOSITION and DEATH THREATS be CANCELED against President Trump and those around him. We Declare that President Trump stay in place as the leader who will SET THE COURSE for GREAT FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE.
I Decree and Release Heaven’s Angelic Army to Eradicate Any and All forms of riots and/or violence! I boomerang back on them the fire of God, the power of God and the gift of repentance to fall on everyone of them! I decree that I am crushing Satan under my feet including any and all plans to stop Donald Trump from governing the office of President of the United States!